Distance running is a sport that may be fairly difficult to master. In this post, our physiotherapist Joanne Hornsby is sharing some advice to help you prevent running injuries and how running rehab can help your recover after an injury.
Carefully Select Your Footwear
Preventing running injuries start with choice of footwear. Repeated stress from long distance running can rapidly reveal any biomechanical weaknesses in your body and Running injuries easily occur with incorrect footwear. If your shoes don’t offer the right support they easily aggravate an existing condition or result in discomfort and damage. Your Physio4all can advise you on the ideal shoe type for you, that offers support and protection in all the right places.
Running Rehab With Upper Body Strength
While running may appear to be a purely leg-based activity, improving the strength and flexibility of your upper body should be part of your running rehab program, and can have a big effect on your running style, posture, breathing, and general running performance. It also assists in preventing running injuries. Many of us concentrate only on our abdominal workouts. Your back is also a fundamental element, which makes you more likely to get injured if it is neglected. Your core (both your abs and back) serve to support your spine and to protect it against running impact. Doing one without another not only makes running injuries possible, but may also lead to a decreased running efficiency. A weak core causes compensatory motions that lowers your forwards propulsion (for instance, excessive side to side movement).
Strength Training Prevents Running Injuries
Your body is excellent at compensating for weak muscles; nevertheless, this can lead to tendons and muscle overuse problems over time. Recognising and strengthening any areas of weakness in your physio running program early on will help you improve your running while also keeping you running injury free.
Pace Your Progress
Participating in a running event is an excellent way to establish a strategic goal and stay motivated. It’s easy to overlook rest days in your regimen when you’re attempting to improve distances and pace. Preventing running injuries, requires you to allow your body time to recuperate and replenish itself just as much as it requires the active parts of your training regimen. Gradually increasing your pace and distance also helps your body to adjust to new challenges without becoming exhausted and will be included your physio running progam.
Enjoy your training and listen to your body
Running injury free is all about listening to your body when to relax and when to push a bit further. Running is more enjoyable when you are free from pain and well rested. Furthermore, running injury free helps you to stay motivated for longer.
Ask your physiotherapist for more tips on: Running injuries, Running Rehab, Physio Running and how preventing running injuries can make you reach your running goals while running injury free.
None of the information in this article is a substitute for professional medical advice. Always see a physician to evaluate your condition.